逐字 - 可靠的网赌平台 和 CENLA Celebrate National Poetry Month

可靠的网赌平台和文理学院正在举办一个名为“逐字”的网站来庆祝全国诗歌月,该网站旨在推广作家 from Central Louisiana.



Anyone interested in submitting poems should email 诗人ryaex@gmail.com or bernardg@ngambai.com.

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杰里·霍尼格曼是亚历山大人,1977年移居洛杉矶追求音乐事业. 他组建了乐队, 罗密欧, 和 by 1979 had secured a recording contract with CBS/Columbia Records. After years of writing 和 recording, Honigman returned to Louisiana 和 earned a law degree in his early forties. A recovering attorney, 他继续写作,并有许多歌曲被放在电视节目和电影中. 他现在从事自由内容写作,目前正在编写一份汇编 of stories about his days in California.

Regarding this particular piece, 霍尼格曼说,1978年他住在北好莱坞,为罗密欧乐队的第一张专辑制作素材,并密切关注家乡的动态 通过《十大网赌平台》的娱乐版和文化报纸《十大网赌平台》.正如他解释的那样,“一切都以路易斯安那州为中心,与路易斯安那州的陈词滥调接壤。. So, one day, I took all the images associated with our wonderful state 和 sorta turned them on their heads.”

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In addition to creating 诗人ry, Alecia刘易斯 has worked her magic on stage, 幕后故事, 和 front of house for various local theater groups. 她还担任City Park Players的董事会成员和前台协调员,也是董事会成员. She is the production administrator for Safety Management International.


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    Dr. 托马斯•史密斯


    托马斯年代. 老史密斯,., Ph. D., an independent K-16 educator, 格兰特的作家, 导师, 和作者, 他在路易斯安那州中部的Avoyelles教区公立学校工作了33年,并在奥本山贝克学院(Baker College of Auburn Hills, MI)担任了7年的全职教师。. He was a high school teacher of English 和 social studies; assistant principal at Hessmer High, Riverside Elementary, 和 Bunkie High; principal at Lafargue High 和 Bunkie Middle; 和 district office English/Social Studies Resource Teacher/Grants Coordinator. He served as an adjunct for Northwestern State University, 路易斯安那州立大学亚历山大分校, Central Texas College, Baker College of Clinton Township (MI), MaComb Community College (MI), University of Phoenix (MI), Madonna University (MI), 和 Baker College of Auburn Hills (MI). 史密斯持有路易斯安那大学门罗分校的社会研究/英语教育学士学位, 巴吞鲁日路易斯安那州立大学学校管理硕士学位, 巴吞鲁日路易斯安那州立大学美国历史硕士学位, 以及新奥尔良大学教育课程与教学博士学位. He has presented at Louisiana education state conferences, Michigan education state conferences, regional education conferences. 和 national education conferences. 史密斯已经自行出版了八本书——《十大网赌平台》历史(内战)小说,七部系列小说和《可靠的网赌平台》, a collection of many genres (including 诗人ry). He has two works on Amazon’s Kindle Vella—COSMIC VISITANTS, a novel about space visitors, 和 THE PARAPROSDOKIAN SHOP, 与洛夫克拉夫特和塞林有关的故事集仍在进行中.

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    切斯特餐 has lived in central

    Louisiana for over thirty years, originally from California.

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    木材德维尔是一位终身教育家(也是家庭聚会上的表演者)。, 他很高兴能成为Cenla的写作和表演艺术社区的一员. 她曾在戏剧公司和城市公园剧团演出, 和 as an undergraduate English major at 可靠的网赌平台, 她的作品也被选为全国大学生文学大会的朗诵对象. Timberly now oversees a state program for at-risk youth, is a STAND Educator Fellow, Vice President of the Alpha Pi Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma, a member of the Young Professionals Group of Cenla, 和 is currently working on her doctorate in Education Administration. 她想感谢她的配偶,野少年,以及所有支持当地艺术的人.
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    格雷格·霍尔又名GH(回家)是一位60岁的黑人男性,他有7年的诗歌创作经验. He was a lyrist for some time, his first love! The police should book him for having so many books of poems. A bit stage shy like, time to die, can’t read or write, but some
    我也这么认为. He is retired 和 religious, 和 life is rewarding.
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    Shelley Jinks Johnson 240

    Shelley Jinks Johnson

    谢莉·金克斯·约翰逊是来自洛杉矶亚历山大的诗人、企业家和表演者. A 2022 Bread Loaf Writer's Conference contributor, 她的背景是创业和品牌建设,同时兼顾各种创造性的追求.  Her work grapples with themes of death, 验收, 自我发现, 和 how to find meaning in life after loss. 她发现过一种充满创造力的生活是建立一种根植于快乐和感恩的价值生活的最佳方式. 

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    亚历山大, 来自路易斯安那州的缪斯·沃森是一位成熟的舞台剧演员和资深银幕演员,他的名字中有许多不同的角色, 从《可靠的网赌平台》(1997)中挥舞钩子的杀手,, 给温柔的人, 福克斯悬疑剧《可靠的网赌平台》(2005)中爱猫的骗子. From the good ole boy, 汉克, 在茱莉亚·罗伯茨的电视剧《可靠的网赌平台》中与《可靠的网赌平台》中快速拍摄的导师迈克·弗兰克斯. 55部电影和超过55集的电视剧,Muse正在蓬勃发展. His theater credits include Hamlet in "Hamlet", Stanley in "A Streetcar Named Desire", Pale in "Burn This", Cervantes in "Man of La Mancha", 和 directing "Ain't MisBehavin". 缪斯还与詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特作为特别嘉宾在《十大网赌平台》上进行了令人难忘的表演. 缪斯和他的妻子和女儿现在在肯塔基州伯里亚的家中工作. 和 their "hide-out" in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains.

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    JC 240

    James Harmon Clinton

    詹姆斯·哈蒙·克林顿(James Harmon Clinton)是一位难以捉摸的公共政策学者的笔名,他在实践一种中世纪的黑暗艺术,他称之为“经济发展”.他的诗歌也同样是阴暗的,尽管出版业的薄弱环节让他的作品得以从表面下的裂缝中溜进所谓的“印刷”(或者不是)。. He is the father of four sons (not seven as has been rumored in song), a four-time gr和father, 还有一个红发女人的配偶她知道如何完成肮脏的工作. Touch him for good luck.



    A native of Kansas City, KS, 贝弗利东方国家的人 is a lyricist 和 诗人 living in 亚历山大, 和丈夫一起去洛杉矶, 灰色的东方国家的人. Her collaborations with composers Robert J. Powell, Mark Schweizer, Arlen Clarke are favorites at St. 詹姆斯音乐出版社. 她的作品发表在圣公会妇女部的赞美诗《可靠的网赌平台》上.

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    David A 240


    大卫•阿特伍德 is a native New Orleanian, 诗人, 和 voice actor living in 亚历山大, 和他的妻子在洛杉矶, writer Christee Gabour Atwood. 他在路易斯安那州立大学获得建筑学学士学位,曾在巴吞鲁日的电台工作, Atlanta 和 currently in 亚历山大. His first chapbook of 诗人ry “Find Your Way Home” was released in 2010, 他的第二个, “Catfish Bones 和 Cajun Ghosts,” in 2016 和 “Instamatic” in 2022. Atwood has also been published in The Louisiana 审查, 乌鸦评论, Delta Poetry 审查, Louisiana Literature, Aquila评论, 美女杂志, 逐字, MockingHeart 审查, 和 The Stillwater 审查.


    玛丽F. 斯特里格尔

    玛丽F. 斯特里格尔是国家公园管理局退休的艺术保护科学家. Since the age of seven, Mary has written 和 performed 诗人ry. 1989年至1995年,她与安·布雷夫(Ann Braeff)一起成为洛杉矶诗歌团的一员, 埃林也许, 据Garfinkle, 和 Christa Polkinhorn.

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    卡洛琳那 edited 和 annotated A Glorious Day: The Journal of a Central Louisiana Governess, 1853-1854. Her poems have appeared in 康斯托克评论威斯康辛州审查New Millennium Writings, 和 枫叶碎布, 等. Finishing Line Press published a chapbook of her poems, Just Following the River. 评论家兼作家大卫·乌林(David Ulin)将她未出版的小说节选为“最佳文学作品:20世纪70年代洛杉矶”,” 什里夫波特地区艺术委员会2019年临界质量竞赛.
